
Satyajit Ghosh, Ph.D.



This award is designed to recognize the efforts of faculty who strive for excellence in service to the University, the profession and the community and who demonstrate academic leadership by effective mentoring of junior colleagues. The recipient of this award is Dr. Satyajit Ghosh.

Dr. Satyajit Ghosh, Professor of Economics, Finance and International Business has been a faculty member at the University since 1986. It would be difficult for me to list the numerous department, college, and University committees that Satyajit has served on in his career here at Scranton. The list includes AACSB accreditation steering committees, Presidential search committees, several terms on the Board of Rank and Tenure, the Faculty Senate and the Curriculum Committee of the Senate, the KSOM Assessment Committee, the Henry Georghe Lecture Committee, and many more. Since 2020, Satyajit has been an active member of the GE Review Committee.

Satyajit also served as Chair of the Economics and Finance Department for 15 years.

Dr. Ghosh was instrumental in setting up the Office of Educational Assessment and currently serves as its co-Director and as a Faculty Fellow. In addition, Satyajit also is currently serving as the General Education Assessment Coordinator.

It is not unusual to read an article in the Scranton Times, watch a local news show, or listen to a radio station where Satyajit is being interviewed and providing comments and information about the local and regional economic issues. At last count, Satyajit has contributed to more than seven hundred new stories, reports, and op-eds.

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