
Information Literacy Stipends 2010

Five Information Literacy Stipends were awarded for 2010. Project descriptions and final reports where available are found below:

Dr. S. P. Chattopadhyay will use a rubric to assess the information literacy learned in Marketing Research (MKT 561). After a demonstration of advanced searching techniques by Professor Betsey Moylan, students will search library databases such as ABI/INFORM, Business Source Elite, and Lexis-Nexis for conceptual and operational definitions of a marketing concept. They will then critically review the data in a report utilizing correct American Marketing Association citation format.

Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor. 
Read Dr. Chattopadhyay's final report.

Dr. David Dzurec will collaborate to integrate the following four critical information literacy skills for students in The Craft of the Historian (HIST 140): the ability to locate historical sources; the ability to evaluate the quality and reliability of any given source; the ability to recognize the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources; and the ability to correctly format citations. Student learning will be assessed through a pre/post-test, a response paper on the importance of sources in historical research, and through a special focus on students' use of a variety of sources in their bibliographies.

Collaborating Librarian is Kevin Norris, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Dzurec's final report.

Dr. Aukje Lamonica will insert an information literacy component into Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice (CHED 310). Objectives include the ability to differentiate between popular and scholarly information, the ability to create effective search strategies, and the ability to select appropriate sources and develop criteria to evaluate these sources, and finally the ability to evaluate the contents of various Web sites. Students' ability to apply these skills will be evaluated through course assignments such as the presentation of a scholarly article that focuses on a behavioral theory, an extensive literature review of a health issue, and a media critique that demonstrates the influence media can have on the consumer.

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Oldham, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Lamonica's final report.

Students in Leadership in Occupational Therapy (OT 501), taught by Dr. Rita Fleming-Castaldy will develop fluency in information literacy in particular with regard to the acquisition of primary research skills. The information literacy standards of the Accreditation Council for OT Education and the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education will be used to design a course specific assessment. This measure will include both Likert scale items and open-ended questions and will be administered as a pre/post-test.

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Oldham, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Fleming-Castaldy's final report.

Dr. Renée Hakim will include an information literacy component in Neurological Physical Therapy II (PT 712). This assignment will model a lunch time in-service that practicing physical therapists would experience in the workplace. Professor Bonnie Oldham will demonstrate how to find full-text articles using freely available Internet resources as well as resources available to American Physical Therapy Association members. Students will use a rubric to analyze and critique two relevant articles.

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Oldham, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Hakim's final report.

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