
FA Checklist

Applying for financial aid may seem complicated and confusing, but its completion is not as difficult as it may appear. Applications are available in December. Be aware of any filing deadlines. The following is a checklist of items you will use to complete the form:

  • Parents' and student's 2 years prior federal tax returns.
  • W-2 forms and any other statements of earnings. Review box 12a-d, (W-2 Form) for untaxed pension contributions.
  • Current bank, stock and investment statements for both parents and student.
  • Value of real estate. Do not include primary residence.
  • Value of any business assets.
  • Value of any S corporation or investment farms.
  • Records of untaxed income received in 2 years prior such as welfare, Social Security, TANF, child support, or veteran benefits.

Remember we are here to help you.
Feel free to call (570) 941-7701,
1-888-SCRANTON or
e-mail us if you have any questions.

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