
Area Studies

Area Studies (Choose 3 from 2 disciplines)

* Eligible for Area Studies only for students entering at CNS/JPN 100 level
* Students who take more than 3 courses in Area Studies may reduce their course load in Infused Courses.

ARTH 140 Introduction to Asian Art

CNS 211 Intermediate Chinese*

CNS 212 Intermediate Chinese*

CNS 311 Advanced Chinese

CNS 312 Advanced Chinese

HIST 243  Modern Central Asia

HIST 245 History of Modern China

IB 476 U.S.-East Asia Trade and Investment

IB 478 Business in China

JPS 211 Intermediate Japanese*

JPS 212 Intermediate Japanese*

PHIL 226 Chinese Philosophy

PHIL 295 Chinese Philosophy and Culture in Taiwan (travel course)

PHIL 384 Confucianism and the Modern World

PHIL 419 Philosophy East and West

PS 328 Modern China

PS 332 Modern Japan

CNS 211-212 (6 cr.)
(CF) Intermediate Chinese*

(Prerequisites: CNS 101-102 or equivalent, as determined by instructor)
Emphasizes development of the full range of language skills – reading, listening comprehension, the use of grammatical structures, and oral and written communication. Class will be conducted almost entirely in Chinese. (CNS 211 or its equivalent is normally the prerequisite to 212.)
PHIL 226 (3 cr.)
(P,D) Chinese Philosophy

An introduction to the classical Chinese understanding. The course examines Daoist teachings and vision, the thought of Confucius and Buddhism.
PHIL 419 (3 cr.)
(D,P) Philosophy East and West

This course brings non-Western philosophy and philosophers into a dialogue with Western philosophy and philosophers on major philosophical topics.
JPN 211-212 (3 cr.)
Intermediate Japanese*

(Prerequisites: JPN 101-102 or equivalent)
This course continues development of the four major skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Upon completion of the course students will understand all the basic concepts of the structure of the language. (JPN 211 or its equivalent is normally the prerequisite to 212.)
CNS 311-312 (6 cr.)
(CF,D) Advanced Chinese*

(Prerequisites: CNS 211-212 or equivalent, as determined by instructor)
Completion of CNS 312 satisfies one semester of the cultural diversity requirements. An integrated, learner-focused course that develops reading, writing, listening and speaking along with cultural competency. Conducted only in Chinese. (CNS 311 or its equivalent is normally the prerequisite to 312.)
MGT/IB 475 (3 cr.)
International Management
(Prerequisites: Eco 351, Mgt 351) Focuses on functional strategies of multinational corporations (MNCs), structure and control systems of MNCs, and comparative management. Specific MNC strategies to be covered include entry, sourcing, marketing, finance, human resources and public affairs. Study of structure and control systems includes corporate structure and headquarters- subsidiary relationships. Study of comparative management systems focuses on nature of management systems and practices in different cultures.
IB 478 (3 cr.)
Business in China
(Prerequisite: Eco/IB 351) This course introduces the student to the dynamic business environment in the People’s Republic of China, focusing on the implications for international business operations and competitiveness.
PS 328 (3 cr.)
(D) Modern China

Study of modern Chinese politics in the 19th and 20th centuries. Problems of modernization, Westernization, and communism in the People’s Republic of China.
PS 332 (3 cr.)
(D) Modern Japan

This course examines the history and politics of Japan; the period of the shoguns; the reforms of the modernizing Meiji era at the end of the 19th century; the Japanese effort to conquer Asia; the postwar political structure; the question, “Is Japan a democracy?”; and the economic miracle of the present.
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