
Software Engineering Combined BS / MS Program

An undergraduate student of the University may be admitted to the combined program of their undergraduate degree and the Master of Science in Software Engineering (MS SE) graduate degree. Students majoring in Computer Science and Applied Computing in the combined program may be able to complete their undergraduate degree and the master's degree in a total of five years.

Interested students should contact the director of the Master of Science in Software Engineering graduate program and the department of their undergraduate major to determine what Software Engineering graduate courses may be used to satisfy their undergraduate degree requirements and the length of their studies in the program.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted, the applicant must completed CMPS 134/134L, CMPS 144/144L, CMPS 240, CMPS 250, and Math 142 (or demonstrated a math background at or beyond Math 142) with

  • a minimum GPA of 3.0 in those courses, and
  • a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all completed undergraduate courses.

A student in the combined program must complete undergraduate CMPS 340 and CMPS 352, and he/she must maintain

  • a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all of the CMPS courses,
  • a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all undergraduate courses, and
  • a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all Software Engineering graduate courses.

Failure to maintain the required GPAs may result in dismissal from the combined program.

Application for Admission

A student who is interested in the Combined Program should first contact the program director of the Software Engineering program and his/her undergraduate academic adviser. Application for the Combined program entails:

  1. Contact the Graduate Program director and your undergraduate adviser.
  2. Complete the Accelerated/Combined Master's Degree Program Curriculum Approval Worksheet at
  3. Complete the Application for Graduate Admission at

Graduate Courses For B.S. in Computer Science and Applied Computing Requirements

Normally a baccalaureate degree takes four years to complete and a master's degree takes an additional two years. A student can finish the Combined program in only five years because it allows up to 12 credits of graduate work to be applied to both degrees.

For Computer Science majors:

  • SE 500 replaces CS Elective
  • SE 501 replaces CMPS 374 and EPW
  • SE 504 replaces Free Elective
  • SE 521 replaces CS Elective (namely, CMPS 341)

For Applied Computing majors:

  • SE 500 replaces CS Elective
  • SE 501 replaces CMPS 374 and EPW
  • SE 504 replaces Free Elective
  • SE 521 replaces CMPS 341

Students in the Combined Program are eligible for graduate assistantships.

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