Restricted CAS Courses
Please note:
- Students can attempt to enroll in previously restricted CAS courses in one of two ways:
- Go to the CAS Dean's Office suite (208-210 STT) or to your academic advising center to process a request. Requests for restricted courses will not be processed before 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 30th
- Students can attempt to enroll in a previously restricted course through the web registration portal on this date; however, your attempt may be prior to the restriction being lifted, so you'll need to wait to process the change. Your academic advising center or dean's office can process changes seamlessly.
- Go to the CAS Dean's Office suite (208-210 STT) or to your academic advising center to process a request. Requests for restricted courses will not be processed before 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 30th
- Please note that this only pertains to CAS courses. A college does not have the authority to override courses in another college. You will need to speak directly with the respective college/advising center for classes within LCHS or KSOM if you incur a registration error/restriction for one of their classes.
- NOTE: NUTR 110 is not a CAS course; it is a LCHS class. You will need to contact the LCHS Advising Center.
- If a course is "CLOSED" continue to watch the system for an opening. Students have until May 27th to add a class for the Summer 2025 S1 term; until July 7th to add a class for the Summer 2025 S2 term and August 29th to add a class for the Fall 2025 semester.
- If a "reserve closed" registration error remains on a course that shows an available seat after the Dec. 9th date, please contact the CAS Dean's Office for assistance.