

PT Club

The Physical Therapy (PT) Club aims to involve the student body in events that focus on spreading PT awareness and fundraising for related charities. While PT Club membership is exclusively for graduate students in the DPT program, we seek to educate the community and student body on the importance of Physical Therapy. We also strive to fund-raise for reputable charities while organizing events that the entire campus can be involved in. As PT students, our priority is application of our knowledge to assist the community and participation in a variety of volunteer-based service activities. 

PT Club Officers

President: Sienna Amato sienna.amato@scranton.edu

Vice President: Katarina Bieri katarina.bieri@scranton.edu

Secretary: Melissa Menagh melissa.menagh@scranton.edu

Treasurer:  Bridget Gras bridget.gras@scranton.edu

Service Learning Coordinator: Alyssa Bevacqua alyssa.bevacqua@scranton.edu

Events Coordinator: Amanda Whelan amanda.whelan@scranton.edu

APTA Liaison: Kevin Gallego Pena kevin.gallegopena@scranton.edu

Advisor: Dr. Maida dana.maida@scranton.edu 


In the Community

  • Kidsercise: Students perform an exercise program with children at the Scranton Day Nursery Association.
  • Seniorcise: Students perform an exercise program with seniors at Scranton area senior living communities. Locations include Amos Towers, Lutherwood Apartments and Geneva House.
  • Senior CompanionshipStudents paint the nails of and spend time with seniors at the Lutherwood Apartments and Geneva House.
  • Youth Sports at Riverfront
  • Adaptive Cycling with Abilities in Motion
  • Exercise Classes with the Lackawanna Blind Association
  • Cinderella's Closet
  • Scranton Half and Full Marathon





This Semester's Events

  • Jitty Joe's Ice Cream Fundraiser - April 5, 2023 4:00-8:00pm
  • DPT Pizza Social - April 13, 2023 - Kane Forum, ELH 11:30am-12:45pm
  • Trivia Night - April 20, 2023 - Kane Forum, ELH 6:30pm
  • Dates TBA:
    • Rail Riders game
    • Bowling Night
    • Chipotle Fundraiser

Annual Fundraising Events

  • Scranton PT Clothing Sale
  • Wheelchair Basketball Tournament for Abilities In Motion
  • PT Winter Formal
  • Volleyball/Dodgeball Marathon

Social Opportunities

  • Mentor/mentee program for incoming students
  • Scranton Wilkes-Barre Railriders Game
  • Scranton Wilkes-Barre Penguins Game
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