
Event Information

Event Information


6025 West Valley Green Road
Flourtown, PA 19031


  • 10:00 a.m. – Registration and lunch
  • 12:00 p.m. – Shotgun start
  • 5:00 p.m. – Reception and Award Dinner

Golf Format

  • Shamble format: Like a scramble, all four team members will tee off. All players then move their ball to the location of the best tee shot (no different than a scramble format). However, after the second shot is played, all players will return to playing their own ball until each completes the hole. The result is that each player enters his or her own score on the scorecard.

  • One best-ball of the foursome. Low gross and low net prizes

  • Closest to the Pin, Long Drive and other on-course contests

  • Golf entry includes round of golf, cart, forecaddie, lunch buffet, food and beverages on the course, award dinner with open bar, and tournament gifts.


  • Men: polo-type shirts with sleeves and collar, turtleneck or mock turtleneck, and must be worn tucked in trousers or shorts. Pants must be either tailored slacks or Bermuda shorts. Length of the shorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee, or Bermuda length.

  • Women: shirts must have sleeves and/or a collar and must be long enough to be tucked in. Turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks are permitted. Tailored slacks, shorts, skorts, or Capri pants are acceptable. Length of shorts, skirts, or skorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee.
  • Metal spikes are not permitted at the Philadelphia Cricket Club.

  • Golf attire is welcome for the Award Dinner.

We would like to thank the Carlesimo Golf Tournament Committee

  • Ryan Alpert
  • Mike Bartoletti, Head Baseball Coach
  • Gary Bernabe '78
  • Sandy Cameli '82 
  • Pat Cawley ’87 (in memoriam)
  • Eileen Cleary '82
  • Andy Dinnhaupt '89
  • Jerry Fives '89
  • Pat Gilmore '87
  • Sean Lapham '90
  • Jack Lisicky '90
  • Toby Lovecchio '85
  • Greg Marx '05
  • Joe Mullen P'15, '17, '20
  • Jeff Nicklaus ’90
  • Kathy Coleman O'Brien '81
  • Brian Regan '82
  • Nick Salezze '08
  • Don Shauger P'16
  • Anthony Simone '90, P'17
  • JP Sweeney P'10, '13, '20
  • Ted Wolff '74