Office Role
Title IX Role
The Office of Equity and Diversity:
- Oversees the coordination and adjudication of all claims under the University's Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy;
- Ensures the University's compliance with Title IX and Pennsylvania State laws;
- Provides an internal avenue of redress through the investigation and resolution of complaints of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct;
- Assists with resources and support for participants involved in the sexual harassment and sexual misconduct process;
- Presents sexual harassment prevention training
- Provides Title IX compliance training to students, faculty and staff.
- Houses the Title IX Coordinator, Elizabeth M. Garcia, Institute of Molecular Biology, Suite 315, (570) 941-6645
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Role
The Office of Equity and Diversity:
- Oversees coordination, adjudication and redress of all claims reported under the University's Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy;
- Ensures the University's compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act, and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act;
- Protects equal opportunity, related to conditions, terms and privileges of employment and education;
- Assists with resources and support for participants involved in the non-discrimination and anti-harassment process;
- Develops and provides training to students, faculty and staff on the University's policies;
- Presents training on discrimination and harassment prevention to students, faculty and staff, including Diversity Awareness Training, Microaggressions, Implicit Bias and Cultural Competence Training.
Disability, Pregnancy and Religious Accommodation Role
The Office of Equity and Diversity:
- Ensures compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act;
- Oversees reasonable accommodations policy and process for employees and students making a request for disability, pregnancy and religious reasons;
- Coordinates reasonable accommodations for employees and assisting with non-academic ADA requests for students;
- Examines and improves access conditions related to persons with disabilities;
- Coordinates religious accommodations for employees and students;
- Provides information on Americans with Disabilities Act;
- Presents training for faculty and staff on providing reasonable accommodations and adjustments.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Role
The Office of Equity in its role to create a more inclusive campus for all students, faculty and staff:
Supports the University in its proactive recruitment, hiring and retention policies to enhance a welcoming, multicultural community;
Fosters mutual respect and understanding among all campus communities and constituents;
Promotes an awareness of, and appreciation for diversity through education sponsored programs;
Establishes personal networks and professional working relationships with community based agencies, professional associations, businesses and community leaders;
Raises awareness of recruitment and retention policies for minority students, faculty and staff;
Developing training programs for all University members;
Supporting efforts to expand an inclusive multicultural curriculum;
Presents training on the following topics:
Faculty and Administrator Search
Diversity Awareness, including Microaggressions, implicit bias, anti-harassment and anti-discrimination, Cultural Competence Training, etc.;
Arranges informational forums of topics ranging from the Americans with Disabilities Act to Sexual Harassment and everything in between.
Office of Equity & Diversity
Contact Us:
- Scranton, PA 18510
- The 日本一级片
- Phone: (570) 941-6645
- Fax: (570) 941-6304