


"Come and See"

Most retreats are led by a team of students who diligently prepare developing all the skills needed to facilitate a transformational experience for their peers.  A major component of each retreat are witness talks, also known as life experiences, written and delivered by the team leaders.  After each talk, the participants are invited to discuss the topic further in small groups and how it relates to their lives. Throughout the retreat are prayer services connected to the retreat themes, fun, games, food and relaxation.

Each retreat addresses a different spiritual theme and may use different methods to help participants grow in their faith. Each retreat is viewed as one small piece to a puzzle and when pieced together, it creates a larger picture.  

Please contact The Office of Campus Ministry at 570-941-7419 or campusministry@scranton.edu for more information or help in determining which retreat might be best for you.

2024-25 Retreats

Retreats and Dates
Connections September 27-28
Finding The Trail October 6*
Mother Daughter October 12-13
Ignatian Silent October 18-20
Search November 15-17
Study Getaway December 6-7
A Desert Experience January 3-10*
Commuter January 10-11
Divinely Designed Jan 31 - Feb 2
Manresa February 14-16
Senior Feb 28 - Mar 1
Learning to Pray Through Lent March 6*
Praise and Worship (PAW) March 7-8
World's End Spring Break Retreat March 16-20*
Finding The Trail April 6*
Search April 25-27
Finding The Trail May 3-4
* Not held at Chapman Lake 

Please see retreat descriptions for further details.

Learn more about retreats

Chapman Lake Retreat Center

Chapman Lake Retreat Center

The University's Retreat Center is located approximately 30 minutes from campus on picturesque Chapman Lake.The center, complete with dining facilities, meeting rooms and overnight guest rooms, was constructed in 1998 and expanded eight years later.

In November 2006, Blessed Peter Faber Chapel (now St. Peter Faber) was dedicated, a modern chapel complete with large window views of the Lake and the beautiful surroundings.

See Directions to the Retreat Center

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