
Staff Senate

Monthly Staff Senate Meeting

Staff members are welcome to attend. If more than three (3) staff members from your department are planning on attending, please let Kristi Klien, Staff Senate President, know in advance so that adequate arrangements (seating, etc.) may be made to accommodate all guests.  For a list of dates, visit Meeting Dates.


Staff Handbook Available Online

As of June 20, 2013 the updated Handbook for Staff and Administrators has been distributed electronically and posted to the HR website. The handbook has been updated as of August 2020.

This major project was led by the Office of Human Resources with support and feedback from the Staff Senate and President's Cabinet.  The revision process began with Human Resources updating the existing handbook to reflect current practices and appropriate compliance and legal mandates.  A revised draft was then provided to the Staff Senate for input.  The Staff Senate convened the committee, reviewed the handbook and provided constructive feedback.  Once the Staff Senate completed this review, follow-up meetings were held with Human Resources to discuss the Senate's comments.  This draft was then presented to the President's Cabinet for final review.

This August 2020 Handbook replaces and supercedes all previous versions of the handbook in its entirety and should be used as the current source of information regarding employment with the University.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources at (570) 941-7767.

Contact Us

The Staff Senate is more involved than ever and wants to hear from staff members on issues that we can bring to the table for discussion and resolution. If you have any issues that you would like us to address, please email the Staff Senate at staffsenate@scranton.edu or one of your representatives.