
Take Action

There are many ways to get involved in ending sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. Below are some of the options.

  • Focus on how you, as an empowered bystander, can support others by confronting abusive behavior.
  • Become a PACT presenter. For more information, visit .
  • Be part of the movement. Join the It’s On Us campaign by making your own Pledge. Click here for more information.
  • Realize that gender violence is a major social problem that deeply affects the lives of all women and men.
  • Educate and empower your peers to end sexism and not tolerate abuse.
  • Respect yourself and use your strength as an example to empower others around you.
  • Learn about University policies and resources related to sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and sexual harassment.
  • Understand how attitudes, words and actions may perpetuate sexism and violence, and work towards changing them.
  • Gently offer your support if someone you know has experienced gender violence.
  • Recognize and speak out against homophobia and gay-bashing.
  • Educate yourself and others about masculinity, gender inequality and the root causes of gender violence.
  • Participate in a peer group or club working to end gender violence.
  • Volunteer at a local agency that supports and empowers persons affected by gender-based violence.
  • Know that you can make a difference on our campus and at home.

Observe, Engage, Prevent: Bystander Engagement Tips

It's On US

It's On US is a national campaign launched by the Department of Education and the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. The focus of this effort is to educate and raise awareness of the impact that bystander engagement can have in preventing incidents of sexual misconduct. Each one of us has the ability to make a positive difference in the environment where we live, learn and work.

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